Thursday, August 19, 2010

Addy finally got a TOOTH!

She will be one in less than two weeks and has finally got her first tooth. She also got sick (pretty bad) for the first time. She ran a 103 temp for about 4days. The doc found nothing and said it was probably a virus she picked up. I think she got it at church. (she was in the nursery sunday, sick on monday. I dont think they clean the toys).
Her tooth broke the surface about a week ago! We are very excited. She also is taking about 3-4 steps on her own. She will be running around soon.
I have no new pics to post because they are on my phone :-) They are all on my facebook!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm getting BIG!

On the fourth of July I discovered dancing! I've been dancing ever since! My grammy got me a radio that I learned how to work, so I can keep the music going! My mom also got me a piano so I can start practicing. It plays songs that I can dance to as well!
I just went to my friend Logans first birthday at Hume Lake. It was my first birthday party! It was so much fun and Logan's cousins were so much fun to play with! Pretty soon I will be running around like Logan is.
I went to the grand canyon with my mom and dad! We went camping. I got to ride on trams and see so many new things. I even met a few friends. I went to Red Rock Slide park and played in the water... I am too little to go down the slides. I love water and got to splash my mom, which was fun!
I went to Carmel for Aunt Bailey's birthday. I also went to Morro Bay and camped. It was windy and mom had to bundle me all up. Luckily, she held me the entire time, because I kept her warm :-)
Jake is still recovering and I go watch him swim in the mornings. I went swimming a few times. I also went swimming in Millerton lake and Mr and Mrs Zemlickas pool. I LOVE water!!!
It's been a busy month! I am standing by myslef for small amounts of time. I am working on my two bottom teeth. I am eating all sorts of new foods. Watermelon and cantelope are some of my favorites!
I think that sums up the last month. I talk all the time and yell and scream because I have so much fun! Life is just so great!!!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

what I've been up to...

Aunt Bailey got baptized...

Rockin with my G to the MA

<-- Went to Carmel on Memorial Day

... went to my first firefighter funeral

I am officially crawling. I walk all over in my walker!
I love to copy whatever you do! i can pull my self to a standing position. I think I can walk by myself but my mom says I have no balance! I went to Tahoe for a wedding. I visited my Nana in El Dorado Hills. Coming up... camping in yosemite!

Friday, May 14, 2010

8 1/2 mo. She broke into Jake's new toys and it testing them out... and hamming it up too!


Addy has figured out how to clap. She loves it! She is very proud of herself. She has been putting her hands together for a while now, and has finally figured out how to make noise with them :-)
Papa has taught her the "snake tounge". She sticks out her tounge and puts it in her mouth... in and out, in and out. Its very funny and ridiculous looking!
She also gives "fake smiles". She gives them genuinely, so technically it's a polite/real "fake smile". She shows her upper gums and puts her head back and grins big! I have to get it on video or something!
She's growing up fast...